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325iA Cabrio -88 mit EH verdeck


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First, sorry about English writen text but my Germany is not that good that I would use that.


I have project running: 325iA Cabrio with Electric/Hydraulic soft top. Car have very low mileage on tacho, only 33 000km

Car is standed last 15 years. I buyed it from first owner.

Soft top was not working, only soft top red light blinking on tacho. From that moment started 3 weeks project to get it running :D



Here is some videos of it:


Part 1:



Part 2:



I will continue writing here if here is someone who wants that story continue?


Best regards,




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I searched years and years for a video of an electric hydraulic rooftop and this is the first i've ever seen.

It is really a bit faster than the electric mechanical version :daumen:

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Holy cow, that's real fast! Does it close at the front (window) by itself, or do you have to pull it down manually?


Yes it is and very smooth as well :) It works little bit faster when car is running, on videos it works only with car battery power.

No it does not open or close power windows automatically. Why I need to do all by myself :D

Bearbeitet: von Dunky
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I searched years and years for a video of an electric hydraulic rooftop and this is the first i've ever seen.

It is really a bit faster than the electric mechanical version :daumen:


I searched aswell after I buyed this car but couldnt find any information about EH soft top.

Now I can call my self as EH Verdeck Expert couse I used many weeks to find malfunction of sot top. Now it´s clear how it works.

Bearbeitet: von Dunky
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Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Do you have to pull down the top at the end of the closing procedure to fix it? With the EM top (which is about half as fast) - at the end we have to pull it down and manually close/pull down/fix it (under the sun visors)

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Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Do you have to pull down the top at the end of the closing procedure to fix it? With the EM top (which is about half as fast) - at the end we have to pull it down and manually close/pull down/fix it (under the sun visors)


Yes, by hand open and lift top front like manual or electric version.

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Some years ago I had a 320 with EH roof. It was nice and worked fine but the body was rotten 😂😂 someone came and paid 3k for it and it was gone. I can remember when I was at our local dealer they had now idea how that system worked

325ES 💪

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I can belive that! Anywhere where I ask anything about EH soft top answer is: E30 newer had hydraulic soft top :D Some one must made that of after market parts :D

Even on my local dealer... Car is now getting new fabric. After installation I make new video of it and how it works. Even here is one who dont like to see it at all :(

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