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Klimatisierung in einem Fahrzeug ohne Klimaanlage


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Ich würde gerne Ihr Feedback bekommen, aber ich spreche kein Deutsch, also habe ich dies über einen Übersetzer geschrieben.


Ich besitze einen E30 316i Touring (M40B16).

In dem Land, in dem ich lebe, ist es aufgrund der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit und der hohen Temperaturen sehr schwierig, dieses Auto im Sommer ohne Klimaanlage zu fahren, also würde ich gerne eine Klimaanlage im Auto installieren.


Das Problem ist, dass mein Auto ab Werk ohne Klimaanlage ausgeliefert wurde, so dass ich alle für den Einbau benötigten Teile besorgen muss.


Nachstehend finden Sie eine Liste der Teile, die ich kaufen möchte.


- ac solutions conversion kit & accaccessory kit

- R134a safety preesure switch
-  evaporator(64518391780)
- high preesure dryer return line(64531381740)
- AC switch(61311372051)
- reciver/dryer hole gromet(64531372609)
- compressor bracket(64521717007)
ac box gascket(64111375719, 64111370937)
Oder basteln Sie selbst aus ähnlichen Materialien

- hvac unit(64111386521)
(Ob Drähte einbezogen werden sollen)


Ich weiß, dass es billiger wäre, ein Spenderauto mit Klimaanlage zu bekommen, aber (vor allem der Bausatz von AC SOLUTIONS scheint teuer zu sein.) E30s sind in meinem Land selten, und wenn es keine anderen Probleme gibt, sind neue Teile angebracht, also war dies eine realistische Alternative. Die Kosten für Teile und Einbau wären beträchtlich, aber ich denke, es würde sich lohnen.
Hat jemand zusätzliche Informationen oder Ratschläge, die ich noch nicht berücksichtigt habe?

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- Some of the parts are not longer available - so You need to use used parts

- in your list the most pipings are not included 

- to complete the mounting you need a lot of small parts to fix the pipes etc.

- it is also needed to replace the whole heater box in the interior - the heater box without HVAC has no space fpr the heat exchanger.


In former times there was the possibility to add a HVAC to existing heater box but this part was ugly, often damaged and is not longer available since years.


Look here: Heizung und Klimaanlage | BMW 3' E30 316i M40 Europa (bmwfans.info)

This is an older parts catalogue. Here You will see in the lower part that there are a lot of parts which are needed.

If You really want to continue I can send you a mounting instruction which has several languages but this PDF is probably too large to include it here in a post.

Auch ich gehe mit der Zeit und fahre E-Autos: E30, E31 und E46! :daumen:


Mein E30 Cabrio ist hier zu sehen und der ganz offene Klassiker hier

Und wenns mal Probleme mit anderen BMWs außer dem E30 gibt kann man ja hier mal fragen. :-)

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You might wanna check here:




I already did 2 A/C retrofits w this guide, but w parts from a donor car. While your list seems to cover the larger bits and pieces, I agree w the former post. Lots of screws, small brackets and stuff like that are needed too. And the wiring harness is missing too, you def need that. It includes several connections like the one for the electric fan for example, which your car not features.


Considered the price of the A/C solutions kit, the HVAC unit and other parts and the work on top, I would maybe rather consider buying an E30 with A/C. If not- feel free to ask, maybe we can assist further w the retrofit.

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Thanks guys.
Both of you says using a donor vehicle is a reasonable choice.
The biggest problem seems to be finding the donor vehicle itself.
I'll try to gather information on junkyards in my country or other countries first.
Buying parts as I wrote in the text should be a last resort.

Bearbeitet: von Mr.baldhead
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Which country is it, where You come from?

Perhaps it would be possible to travel to another country, where E30 better can be found - this shgould be also possible via Internet because you do not want to drive the other car - you want to disassemble it and the rest of the car will go to a scrap dealer - so it is not needed to look for a "good car without rust" and with the parts you will not have so much problems to import them to your country.


And again: I absolutely agree with Jenad - HVAC is expensive but the way You want to go will be even more expensive and less good

Auch ich gehe mit der Zeit und fahre E-Autos: E30, E31 und E46! :daumen:


Mein E30 Cabrio ist hier zu sehen und der ganz offene Klassiker hier

Und wenns mal Probleme mit anderen BMWs außer dem E30 gibt kann man ja hier mal fragen. :-)

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am vor 24 Minuten schrieb Georg:

당신은 어느 나라에서 왔습니까?

아마도 E30을 더 잘 찾을 수 있는 다른 나라로 여행하는 것도 가능할 것입니다. 인터넷을 통해서도 가능합니다. 다른 차를 운전하고 싶지 않을 것이기 때문입니다. 분해한 후 나머지 차는 폐차장에 맡기면 됩니다. 따라서 "녹이 없는 좋은 차"를 찾을 필요가 없고, 부품도 있으면 귀하의 나라로 수입하는 데 큰 문제가 없을 것입니다.


그리고 다시: 저는 Jenad의 의견에 전적으로 동의합니다. HVAC는 비용이 많이 들지만 원하는 방식은 훨씬 더 비싸고 좋지 않을 것입니다.

South Korea.
Due to the laws here, it is almost impossible to import a car without OBD2, so the number of E30 cars is very small,
So i need to import air conditioning parts that work in other countries.


There is a company that brokers imports car parts between Germany and here.
They say they can arrange for the part locally.
Parts should be easier to find in Germany than here,
I think it might be a better option to contact them.

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Thailand might be an option, they have an active BMW community and AC should be more or less standard there.



Due to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. Sorry for inconvenience!

Meine Homepage: ** nullzwotii.de  **      

     *** Ein ///M sagt mehr als tausend Worte ...***

Suche: Batterieträger Original BMW Ersatzteil, Motorhaube malachit, gut erhalten, Großraum KÖLN


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am vor 4 Stunden schrieb NULLZWOtii:

Thailand might be an option, they have an active BMW community and AC should be more or less standard there.

I remember hearing a while ago that there is a strong culture and community of BMW and Mercedes-Benz in Southeast Asia, and it was Thailand.

I'll check that out as well.

Thank you.

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