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New here, some questions


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Hey there e30-talkers. I am an American visiting my sister for the summer. She lives in Munich and works at the ballet company here. Anyway, I'm planning to purchase a cheap touring to mess around with while I am here. I have been reading about registration and I believe I know what I need to do. The only issue is I do not know German and my sister has broken German. Not enough to know the terms of registration at the office.

I know I need to find a verkehrsamt and get export plates for a month of registration. I will be bringing it back to USA with me.

What I would like to know are some terms I (or my sister) would need to know to get this process taken care of.


Any and all help is appreciated!



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Hey Trey,


sometimes there are things that looks strange here in germany, especially with the bureaucracy.

For the export plates you need:


-your id card/passport

-a certificate of ensurance (you "buy" this certificate at your insurance agency, then you get a spacial number, this is your "certificate")

-registration certificate 1 and 2

-a confirmation about a valid "main technical inspection" and a emission inspection (here in germany your car needs to be checked every two years, a new car after 3 years)


Sometimes your car (for the export) needs to be shown at the "Straßenverkehrsamt" to identify the car.Also you have to pay the tax für the car, but i´m not sure about all of this.

It would be good if you got someone who speaks german very well, then it would be easier for you ;)

Bearbeitet: von Cove

Grüße Fabian

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Hi Trey,


if you don't want to go to the "Straßenverkehrsamt",

you can commission for example http://www.zollkennzeichen.de (select English above) to handle it for you, of course against cash only.



"Situs vilate inis et avernit"

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I am stationed in Ramstein Air base. Here the most Americans are using a shipping Company who will handle everything for them. Customs and shipping.The are located in front of the east gate. For my self I had to go to the same proccess but the other way. From US to Germany. The other Problem what you will face with an old BMW is the title. Since most of the MVD's in the US are not able to transfare it and the higher emision standarts are present . You should check with your local MVD in the US what they need in order to get it done.





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Thanks fellas. Bought a car and got temporary plates from a sketchy guy the dealer knew. Turns out they are only good for another 2 days -__-


Anyway, I'm not sure where to put this request. But f anyone has an alternator for an m40b18 (not sure what interchanges) I need one ASAP! I cannot find a "schrottplatz" or scrap yard in Munich.

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Here you go: http://e30-talk.com/suche/


Click on "Neues Thema" und tell the community what you're lookin' for!;-)

Aktuell suche ich:

  • Lenkstockhebel aus Airbagfahrzeug mit BC2 oder Intensivreinigung
  • Bilstein Federn für's Cabrio in gut
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