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Hilfe eine amerikanische studentin mit e30!


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Lustig ... wenn ich in Amiland bin, spreche ich englisch ... Wenn diese in DE sind spricht man auch englisch :-o ...


Die BMW-Teile sind in Nordamerika teilweise besser zu organisieren als in DE ... (nicht Meinung, sondern Fakt!) .... und meist preisgünstiger als in DE ...


Da ich mittlerweile meine Erfahrungen bei der Einfuhr von Waren in die USA (Canada ist da anders) gemacht habe, meine ich auch der amerik. Student bekommt spätestens bei der Costums Authority mehr fragen gestellt, als wenn er sich die Teile einzeln und nach einander in die U.S. von DE schicken lässt ...

:sonne:Lucky //M3:sonne:

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mein deutsch ist noch schlechter als ihr englisch...



i know some things i want are difficult, but maybe i'll get lucky?


thank you all for the help so far!


Ihr Deutsch ist hervorragend :sonne:



:sonne:Lucky //M3:sonne:

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how do you manage the transport of those things? I wanted a front lip for the m-technic II package made in the us but the shipping costs and taxes were so expensive, that it made the deal unappealing.

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i know someone that has been shipping bigger parts across the ocean for somewhat cheap, but i haven't worked out details with him. i'll ask him this week and let you know what he tells me.


were you getting the ryanG splitter?

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wow that's funny....levent/guten parts is one of the guys i've been working with in the states. his prices are pretty expensive....but he always has great parts in good shape..



what is the german word for 'junkyard' or 'wrecking yard?'

Bearbeitet: von mkcman17
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wow that's funny....levent/guten parts is one of the guys i've been working with in the states. his prices are pretty expensive....but he always has great parts in good shape..



what is the german word for 'junkyard' or 'wrecking yard?'


The german word is "Schrottplatz" or "Autoverwertung".



And personally I don't think that the guten parts are really expensive, but the shipment is. Taking everything into consideration I had to pay 459 $ for the small splitter and well, ... thats too much. ;-)

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ouch! i'll have to see if i can do any better, although levent knows much more about shipping than i do.


i'm not sure if these prices are cheaper than what you can get here, but these were pretty good deals for us in the US.





also, i'm looking for a set of 14" hubcaps for the factory wheels.

Bearbeitet: von mkcman17
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years ago there was a Guy at Lahr... at the old Airport.... much Parts of E30 and other BMW...

but i dont know if he is still there

Cinis Cinerem, Pulvis ad Pulverum.

Cum diabolus regit, omnia licent


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if i were you, i wouldnt waste my time with searching for parts on junkyards. just try e30.de, click on "Kleinanzeigen" and browse this section for your needed items. also try quoka.de and ebay.de. maybe you find your needs this way around freiburg.

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yeah, i'd still like to go to a junkyard just to see what's there, not necessarily even BMW. i go often in the US and am just interested to see.


will europcar get me in trouble if i try to take their car for a lap on the nordschleife?

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if you chrash a rental-car on the racetrack you will be in really bad trouble.

even if you (or for example i) crash a private, insured car on the racetrack, the insurance company try's not to pay. they just say you did it "vorsätzlich", what means you knewed the risk before you brought the car on the track. and german law says they`re right, because in the insurance contract is no "special risk" included.

but before you get bored in freiburg come to hockenheimring on friday.

there are the so called "touristenfahrten" from 11am to 5pm with a break from 12 to 1.


i`ll be there.

and if you're interested i can bring some parts you're looking for.

there sure some e30. mine is black with silver hood.


see you in hockenheim!


p.s. you have to go into the center of the ring - ask for "fahrerlager"....

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yeah, i'd still like to go to a junkyard just to see what's there, not necessarily even BMW. i go often in the US and am just interested to see.


will europcar get me in trouble if i try to take their car for a lap on the nordschleife?


okay, but then you should first ask the junkyard owner via phone if they still allow the entry for customers into the wrecking zone. in my region most junkyards just have an office in front of the yard where ure able to ask/order for parts. selfservice is not longer allowed.

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thanks for the advice. i've heard the same about the nordschleife. i think i will still visit it on saturday and try to get a passenger seat, but i'm 90% sure i'll make it to hockenheim! i'll PN you my mobile # in the morning.


and also, i'll call ahead. obviously, i don't really know the customs here. in the US, everything is still self-service.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

hey leute schon eingeschlafen?


bloss weil die studentin männlich ist?


ich hab mike tatsächlich am freitag den 17.8. in hockenheim getroffen. er ist ein echt netter typ. hab ihm ein paar brocken gebracht, bei opafranz0179 auf den beifahrersitz im testauto geschnallt um nen "turn" in hockenheim zu drehen und ne pension besorgt.


darum hier der aufruf für die e30-talker in und um freiburg: helft mike seine teile in die staaten zu bekommen....

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Bin zwar nicht aus der Ecke Freiburg,aber ich finds cool das die in den staaten so E30 Verrückt sind. :-D Hier trifft man ja leider oft leute für die E30 ein alter gammeliger Gebrauchtwagen ist. :watch: Ich lass mal nen Gruss an die männliche Studentin da,have fun in Germany :beemwe:

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Dafür sind die Spritpreise hier für amerikanische Verhältnisse gigantisch:-( Das nächste Problem wäre das ich nicht mit teilen dienen könnte. Fahr nur nen schlichten 320i ohne M-Technik oder ähnliches. Einfach nur E30 pur :-D Könnt höchstens mal fragen ob die in den staaten noch teile über haben :schrauben: :-D

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