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MugelloRot Touring pics


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First and foremost congrats for the clean buildup and awesome looks

and condition of your Touring :daumen:


To be perfectly honest, I would love to see some nice 17inch cross-spoke

wheels on your E30 like the ASA GT1, BBS or similar- the current wheelset

looks a bit overstyled to my eye in relation to the very clean and neat

appearance of the whole car.


Enjoy your ride ;-)






Ein Leben ohne E30 ist möglich, aber nicht sinnvoll http://www.zroadster.com/forum/styles/zroadster/xenforo/smilies.zroadster/geh_wech_mb.gif

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Beautiful m8, that's a proper looking car now: not)


I'm so sure about the rear splash guards;) But that's just a minor point of criticism:) [/ QUOTE]


Splash guards will be coming off very soon,I just keep forgetting to do it :)


Im also in the process of buying this Breyton front valance.

Will need to get it painted in Mugello as its currently painted in Zinnober.



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  • 10 Monate später...

Any further mods over the winter? New pics?



Due to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. Sorry for inconvenience!

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Suche: Batterieträger Original BMW Ersatzteil, Motorhaube malachit, gut erhalten, Großraum KÖLN

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