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E30 328 mit einem riesen Hacken! Würde gerne mal eure Meinung hören!


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habe ein ganz nettes Angebot gefunden (M52 Umbau) und jetz stellt sich heraus das die Karre in Spanien ist und der "Verkäufer" hat mir jetzt ein irgendwie nicht sehr seriöses angebot geschickt! Lest Ihr mal! (sorry aber zum übersetzen hatte ich keine zeit!)




As I told you in my previous email the car is located in Spain. In case you can not come here in Spain I will send you the car through a transport company which can intermediate this transaction. This is best transport company specifically for cars transportation and also offers protection in online transaction for sellers and buyers who are located far away one from another.

The selling price of the car is 2400 Eur with transport service and insurance taxes included to your place.

I will explain how the company works .


First I will go at the transport company to send the car to you. The company will make all documentation necessary to transport the car to your place and also a report about the car which will be sent to you. The car will remain in the company custody ready to be sent to your place. Then you have to send the money to the company as a guarantee for the car. The transport company will transport the car to your place in 5-6 days. After you get the car the transport company will give you 5 days inspection period. In case you will not be satisfied with the car the transport company will return your money back and also the car back to my at my cost. But I assure you will keep the car because it looks and works like a new one.

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vergiss es.... sind doch immer die gleichen Methoden um an die Kohlen anderer zu kommen


Die Entfernung zwischen Brett und Kopf nennt man Horizont.

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