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mein "Spoiler"

Stevie Wonder

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hey Grufti, what do you do with the mixing board on the computer, music?


which computer??which mixing board??:-o


i cant follow you....:klatsch:

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

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oh hehe...this was my last day @scool and i was the organizer for the schoolparty und the guy who have the music and the speaker for a big party :D

on this pic i was 17 years old....


and you see my love to my e30...the oilmarks on my shirt... :-D

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

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it looks :roll:... My opinion to this ,,American-Style" of the E30's are so discusting! This Frontbumper....it looks like an rubber thing, because the Amis can`t drive:-D:-D

Jungs ziehen Handbremse --> MÄNNER! haben Heckantrieb!

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The spoiler won't fit the euro-bumper! But a US-Car with spoiler looks a bit better (less bad) than without! :-)

Regards Michael



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Suche: Batterieträger Original BMW Ersatzteil, Motorhaube malachit, gut erhalten, Großraum KÖLN


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yes,it won't fit, the guy even says it goes with the crappy aluminum bumpers:"The older spoiler, that the '86/'87 cars use with the aluminum bumpers" I don't know what I was thinking.


Well there is a picture of the thing nevertheless:-D

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