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Philips PH7850W(22DC785) Radio and 6 disc cd changer connection


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I have Philips PH7850W(22DC785) car stereo and 6 channel CD changer, I want to connect them together, I couldn't find the connection diagram, can you help me, thanks. I make the cables myself, I can't buy them ready-made because they are expensive.

Radio wires are 10 (10pin) but CD Changer output is 6 wires (6pin)

PHİLİPS PH7850W(22DC785/24E)




Bearbeitet: von yahyabektas
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I think this is an I-Bus CD-Changer?


If Yes, gimme some time - i will give You the Pin assignment today in the evening

The 3 pin connector is used for 12V unswitched power, ground and I-Bus


Pin 1 - Ground

Pin 2 - 12V 

Pin 3 Bus Connection - must be connected to the Pin 7 of the 17-pole Connector at Radio


The 6 pins of the other connector are not used completely - You need only these:

Pin 1 Changer -> Pin 1 Radio connector

Pin 4 Changer -> Pin 2 Radio connector

Pin 2 Changer -> Pin 6 Radio connector

Pin 5 Changer -> Pin 7 Radio connector

Pin 3 Changer -> Pin 3 Radio connector "Screen"


I will backcheck it later

Bearbeitet: von Georg

Auch ich gehe mit der Zeit und fahre E-Autos: E30, E31 und E46! :daumen:


Mein E30 Cabrio ist hier zu sehen und der ganz offene Klassiker hier

Und wenns mal Probleme mit anderen BMWs außer dem E30 gibt kann man ja hier mal fragen. :-)

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am Am 02.02.2024 um 13:19 schrieb Georg:

Sanırım bu bir I-Bus CD Değiştirici mi?


Cevabınız evet ise, bana biraz zaman verin - Size bugün akşam Pin ödevini vereceğim

3 pinli konnektör 12V anahtarsız güç, toprak ve I-Bus için kullanılır


Pim 1 - Toprak

Pim 2 - 12V 

Pim 3 Veri Yolu Bağlantısı - Radyodaki 17 kutuplu Konnektörün Pim 7'sine bağlanmalıdır


Diğer konektörün 6 pimi tam olarak kullanılmıyor - Yalnızca şunlara ihtiyacınız var:

Pin 1 Değiştirici -> Pin 1 Radyo konektörü

Pin 4 Değiştirici -> Pin 2 Radyo konektörü

Pin 2 Değiştirici -> Pin 6 Radyo konektörü

Pin 5 Değiştirici -> Pin 7 Radyo konektörü

Pin 3 Değiştirici -> Pin 3 Radyo konnektörü "Ekran"


Daha sonra tekrar kontrol edeceğim

Yes I-Bus is available in the cd changer,
Thank you very much for the information you provided, I will try all of them and let you know.

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Please also check the post from ivari.

The radio is not so clear to see in your first post so please check, if the radio is the version which supports the bus communication.

Older Business do not

Auch ich gehe mit der Zeit und fahre E-Autos: E30, E31 und E46! :daumen:


Mein E30 Cabrio ist hier zu sehen und der ganz offene Klassiker hier

Und wenns mal Probleme mit anderen BMWs außer dem E30 gibt kann man ja hier mal fragen. :-)

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Tamam kontrol edeceğim, bu video da farklı bir CD değiştirici kullanıyor ama kayıt cihazını çalıştırıyor, belki mümkün, 17 pinli soketteki 7. Pin I-Bus olabilir.



Also, this is the user manual of the car radio, it says that I-Bus is available.



Bearbeitet: von yahyabektas
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OK and the Pin 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 fit with my wiring schematics

Auch ich gehe mit der Zeit und fahre E-Autos: E30, E31 und E46! :daumen:


Mein E30 Cabrio ist hier zu sehen und der ganz offene Klassiker hier

Und wenns mal Probleme mit anderen BMWs außer dem E30 gibt kann man ja hier mal fragen. :-)

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It's not an IBUS on this one, the M-BUS is used on the older devices like the PH7850.

This guy from netherland has done a plenty of research on this type of stereos:


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