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Clean you flap!


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Ok, so as it was such a nice day, i got round to a task i've been meaning to do for a long time! and now i am selling the car (:cry:), i wanted to get it looking as good as new.....


the petrol flap area was a bit grotty with leaves, dust and grime....yuk!






so first things first was to get the flap off and have a good root around with a rag dipped in meths. Then i took the flap and gave it a gentle scrub with a well known professional degreaser (fairy liquid ;) and it turned out pretty good.




repeated with the petrol cap and flap "area"...




now time to replace the worn out stickers with some stock...






a spot of wax for good measure...


et voila!





the rubber is still a bit worn out but it looks much better than before.........oh, and i did change the clip back to the right way up after i realised it would not shut :o: :D



The car got a good clean too....







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Gast Living Colour

Its a very nice and clean car. Why dou you wanna sell it, pukar? Are you serious? It's would gonna be difficult to find such a car like yours, especially in this shape and completely equipped with M-Technic II componets.

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Tha car looks pretty good and well cleaned, but the steering wheel is still at the wrong Position :-D

Passat CC 3,6 http://images.spritmonitor.de/608725_2.png E30 325i Cabrio http://images.spritmonitor.de/625214_2.png

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thanks guys, i have had the car for almost 4 years, which is the longest i have ever owned a car, so i think it is time for a change. i will be buying another classic BMW though...

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thanks guys, i have had the car for almost 4 years, which is the longest i have ever owned a car, so i think it is time for a change. i will be buying another classic BMW though...



Tell some more, which one caught your eye?

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To sell a 325i M-Technik II is - in my opinion - not a good idea :devil:

VERY nice and wonderfull car!

Lieben Gruß,



Ziel 2014/2015:

Balticblauen 323i vVFL fertigstellen. Noch wartet viel Arbeit.





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Wrong decisions need to be made. It's part of a fulfilled life :-p

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Wrong decisions need to be made. It's part of a fulfilled life :-p




how true....life is too short to not change things once in a while


i have now taken a deposit on the car. the new owner will collect it on saturday. the petrol flap cleaning must have worked!


i was actually supposed to take the car to the BMW car club show in gaydon, UK....the largest meeting of BMW's.....so that it could form part of the display to celebrate 30 years of BMW production. oh well, they will have to rearrange the stand now ;)


i will reveal the next car when i buy it (and prepare it)

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Im lookin forward to your new car :)

Warnung: Dieser Beitrag kann Spuren von Sarkasmus enthalten. Lesen auf eigene Gefahr. Der Ersteller haftet nicht für eventuelle persönliche Verstimmungen.

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the petrol flap cleaning must have worked!


It's the small things in life, which make a big difference :-UU

I am looking forward to your new Bimmer - maybe an E24 or E28? Or E21? Well, take all of them!:devil:

Lieben Gruß,



Ziel 2014/2015:

Balticblauen 323i vVFL fertigstellen. Noch wartet viel Arbeit.





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