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e30 aus kalifornien


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I wanted to thank everyone on e30-talk for treating me so well while i was in Germany this summer. I am home now, but will always remember the kindness you all showed me.


mien 1989 325is!











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Red carpet and red leather is a nice combo. Something different from the all black mainstream ;-)


thank you! red is somewhat uncommon in the US.


hey and welcome in german forum,

thats a nice car!

do you have in USA a e30 forum?


thanks! we have many. r3vlimited.com and e30tech are the biggest.

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that's a sweet moonroof, dude! I really dig the kardinal interior, too... just needs a bit of leather conditioner, it seems. What are the plans?


Thank you. plans are to install a rebuilt 2.7i with 274* camshaft. after that, maybe alpina front schurze, sideskirts and acs rear schurze? dreaming.





Nice car Mike! Next time come near Frankfurt!






i will be back next summer! will probably spend my first week in frankfurt.

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I wanted to thank everyone on e30-talk for treating me so well while i was in Germany this summer. I am home now, but will always remember the kindness you all showed me.


mien 1989 325is!






I think your lowering could be interesting for german entrance areas :D.

Nevertheless nice car with an unusal interior and i like your rims :daumen:





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Why do you have a license plate at the front? I thought in the US its not necessary.

hängt vom Bundesstaat ab, knapp die Hälfte erfordert ein Nummernschild an der Front, Californien gehört genauso wie New York und die meisten Ostküsten-Staaten dazu.

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Why do you have a license plate at the front? I thought in the US its not necessary.


Why do you have a license plate at the front? I thought in the US its not necessary.

hängt vom Bundesstaat ab, knapp die Hälfte erfordert ein Nummernschild an der Front, Californien gehört genauso wie New York und die meisten Ostküsten-Staaten dazu.


right. california is very serious about the front plate. a ticket is almost $200USD.


nice car ... can you give me some info about the rims/moondisks?!?!


they are weds albino, 5x120 16x8 et4

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