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I do not know how that works on the E30 cluster. On the E32 and E34 it is like this:


Changing the OBC language:

The OBC language of the car will sometimes reset itself to German. To change it to whatever you like try this:

1. Turn the ignition to position 1.

2. Hold the CC button down for 10 seconds. Then the next language will appear.

3. Repeat this procedure untill you have the desired language.

The available languages are: Engish UK, English US, French, German, Italian, Spanish



ESV-Rep-saetze ab Lager lieferbar, siehe Kleinanzeigen

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I do not know how that works on the E30 cluster. On the E32 and E34 it is like this:


Changing the OBC language:

The OBC language of the car will sometimes reset itself to German. To change it to whatever you like try this:

1. Turn the ignition to position 1.

2. Hold the CC button down for 10 seconds. Then the next language will appear.

3. Repeat this procedure untill you have the desired language.

The available languages are: Engish UK, English US, French, German, Italian, Spanish




Sorry Erich,I am trying to change the language on E30talk from German to English.

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Uhm, I don't think that this was the question, Erich....:klug:

I am convinced, there are enough members who are able to help you in english.


For the beginning this might help you: http://dict.leo.org/


If not, don't hesitate to ask.



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If you have a specific problem, you may post it in English.


Since we are schatzis and not British ;-), there may be one or two, that can answer, more or less correct, in your native language.


If you like to use the board regularly, you must learn german.



Was willst Du schon wieder?

-----´`  Satzzeichen können Ehen retten!

Ich bin gegen Rasen auf Landstrassen und Autobahnen, denn wer soll denn das alles mähen.

Mitglied der
bajuvarisch-kölschen Achse des Bösen :devil:



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Do you have some special questions, EKO?

Maybe we are able to answer them.

As you can see, here are some guys who manage writing in english. Also it isn't perfect. ;-)


But if you are searching for a solution to read all entries in english, you should ask the administrator "hausmeister".

Because of what Jenad, who knows a lot about this forum, wrote you shouldn't be too optimistic.

We will see, what can be done. :e30talk:


...expect the unexpected...

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he wants to read this forum in Englisch, not German. I misunderstood this.



Hatte ich jetzt falsch verstanden. Er moechte dieses Forum auf Englisch lesen, ich hab es mal mit google translate versucht und den Link eingegeben, aber das klappt nicht so richtig.

ESV-Rep-saetze ab Lager lieferbar, siehe Kleinanzeigen

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E-30 Talk goes international :kiss:? Welcome to Bavaria! Where some clocks have a delay :ironie: (means 'Attention: Irony!')


E.g.: I was born in Munich but live in Hamburg, where do you live? It could not be stranger than...)

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As you say Modfather,on the E30zone is the option to change language so I just assumed all forums were like that.

Not to worry,im sure ill get by with the help of Google translator.

No specific reason for me joining your forum other than being nosey and exploring Google for `E30 forum`.

Seems like an active place here and being in the Motherland makes it even better!

Well it would be rude not to introduce myself.

My name is Tony and ive been playing around with E30`s for around 7 years.

Had more than my fair share which ive modded/updated to my own standards.

Currently drive a 1994 MugelloRot 316i Touring which is soon to be M50B25.

Plans are to turbo it soon after the engine swap.



Anyway thanks for the help above.As said ill stick around....with my trusty translator

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As you say Jenad,on the E30zone is the option to change language so I just assumed all forums were like that.

Not to worry,im sure ill get by with the help of Google translator.

No specific reason for me joining your forum other than being nosey and exploring Google for `E30 forum`.

Seems like an active place here and being in the Motherland makes it even better!

Well it would be rude not to introduce myself.

My name is Tony and ive been playing around with E30`s for around 7 years.

Had more than my fair share which ive modded/updated to my own standards.

Currently drive a 1994 MugelloRot 316i Touring which is soon to be M50B25.

Plans are to turbo it soon after the engine swap.



Anyway thanks for the help above.As said ill stick around....with my trusty translator

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welcome to the forum. i'm pretty sure we'll be able to help you out in english as well if you have some questions.


there's a bunch of people here having done engine swaps with the m50/m52 engines, some even with turbocharging. i'd assume some of them speak english as well.

if that doesn't work for you, there's always the option of learning german ;-)


i like your touring, but then again i just like red cars.

i'd been looking at the picture for quite a while before i figured out what had struck me as strange. i then realized it's the wipers being hinged on the "wrong" side of the car. you do drive on the wrong side of the road though, so this is quite alright :D

Gruß Wolfgang

"Der Andersdenkende ist kein Idiot, er hat sich eben eine andere Wirklichkeit konstruiert" -- Paul Watzlawick --


> Cabrio Kotflügel Beifahrerseite

> Außenspiegel mauritiusblau oder schwarz

> Lederbezug Rückenlehne Cabrio Rücksitz, schwarz.

> Stellmotoren und Schalter für LWR aus e34

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