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Q: V-Maxx Tieferlegung


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Haben Sie benutzte Produkte eines holländischen Herstellers >>> V-Maxx?

Wenn ja dann – sind sie gut?

Ich bin in den Schlägen und in den Frühlingen für E30 325 Touring interessiert (kit code is 45 BM 04/51).








Hi all,

First sorry that I write in English – but my German in writing isn’t something that I’m proud of.


Anyway I’m looking suspension (springs and shocks) for E30 325 Touring and I found quite reasonably priced kit from Dutch manufacturer called V-Maxx. Shocks and springs with 40mm lowering cost €248 (without taxes).


What I would like to know is that, is anyone used products from that company or even better - used these very same springs and shocks (kit code is 45 BM 04/51)? If yes then please tell what your thoughts about them are and how do the work and endure.

You can answer in German – I can read and speak German, just my grammar is bad.




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Welcome ii!

I never read about this manufacturer before and I think it was also never mentioned in this forum. If you're looking for a quality suspension kit, many users here recommend the so-called "Sandtler-Kit". Sandtler is a dealer of tuning and motorsports parts. The kit consists of G&M springs and Koni dampers. I drive a KW suspension kit in my 318is Touring, which seems to be a bit harder and less comfortable than the Sandtler-Kit. If you can read a little bit German, then have a look here:

http://www.e30-koeln.de/ -> Do it yourself -> Fahrwerk

http://www.e30.de/ -> Do it yourself -> Fahrwerk/Bremsen




Best regards



BTW: nice car in your avatar pic



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