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Chrome bumpers form Polcar. I had to do it.


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Chrome bumpers are the biggest challenge to any restoration project and I’m in the same boat. I was extremely fortunate to have picked up a genuine old new stock front bumpers which meant that I had to match the rears. 

I had two choices.

1. Re-chrome the existing ones I picked up for £200. They are in good shape apart from one dent in the side piece that some hammering will likely fix. They could even pass without re-chroming but I’ll only know when they are polished. Re-chrome cost is £650 + VAT

2. Buy 3rd party ones from Polcar, a Polish company. Price £400. That’s what I did. 

First impressions:

The new stuff is made of inferior material. They are shiny alright but weights about 2/3 or less from the originals. 

The underside has lot less depth than the originals. I think that’ll cause fitting issue, but I could be wrong. 

The length and upper side seems to be okay including the chrome polish, although at angle you can see some waviness. 

I’ll try to post some more photos in the day time tomorrow but I thought I’d share the experience. 661DED4C-7FB2-46A1-A382-F2A759B9EF9A.jpeg2FF300E1-29F2-4248-8CD9-6AF7B14FF65B.jpeg0E5587AD-2AB0-44D1-A8A6-250EB3C039F1.jpegIMG_2359.jpeg

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