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New member from France OBC II Problems


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Hi every body,


I'm deeply sorry, I don't speek one word of german. I'm a new member from France and I own 3 E30 bmw. It's fantastic cars. I would like to present my cars in the appropriate part of this forum if it's possible.


On an other part, I looking for information about "cordiersteker" for obc II. I need one for my 325 ix touring (allrad). Because I have intall myself a new one and it doesn't work because I don't have the right typ' number. Can you bring me some information about my problems?


I'm sorry if I'm not in a correct place..


Vielen dank !

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Hi gundark and welcome to the best E30 Forum in Germany ;-)


I know not much about the "Codierstecker" but here are some other guys they will help you for sure.


Let us see some pics of your three E30 BMW! http://www.e30-talk.com/images/smilies/1/daumen.gif


Bilder / Videos Here you can post some of your pictures!

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