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E30 Innovative Goods projects - SI shiftlights, multigauge..

E30 Innovative Goods

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I am a member of a team of E30 enthusiasts. We like to make things, gadgets that make our E30s more fun to drive. We named our product line E30 Innovative Goods - E30IG.


First of our project is Service interval shiftlights. We wanted to keep the service interval functional so we had to investigate how the original board operates with LEDs. After a few trials and errors we got it.


Then it was time to find a way to get rev reading. With a use of oscilloscope we monitored the signal to cluster and got an idea how to read it and display it as shiftlights.

So the first breadboard version of shiflights was born.


Then we designed first PCB, side by side with original SI LED board.




Since there are a lot of things to think about, how to position parts on PCB that cluster can be assembled together, first PCB wasn't good, so we had to do another version, and another...


All signals can be "picked up" on connector that connects SI board to main cluster board, but how on earth can we hijack them without soldering...a lot of thinking made it happen and after a lot of experimenting adapter was made.


These aren't all versions...




Final version on its place.




Final version of PCB that does it all. Those LEDs are 9000mcd, prepare your welding mask.




So, what does it do?


When you turn your key to Accy position LEDs show you service interval reading. With ignition on shiftlights are activated.

Our goal wasn't making night rider cheesy look shiftlights that goes on with 800rpms but to make it as realistic and funcitonal as they should be.

So we decided to take the rpms where engine torque starts to drop as a max, all seven LEDs starts to blink.

Then with max-200rpm...5 green, yellow LED ligths on,

with max-400rpm...all 5 green LEDs are on,

with max-600rpm...4 green LEDs are on,


with max-1200rpm...1 green LED is on.

Below that no lightshow...


To keep things more complicated as they already are, these tresholds are dependent of engine temperature.

When engine is cold everything starts to happen earlier.


As I mentioned before LEDs are realy bright, shiftlights are supposed to be so bright that you keep your focus on the road/track and know what your rpms are. But if someone wants to set the brightness it can be done.


How can you set the brihtness with no potentiometer...I came up with a solution that may sound weird but it actually works.

I studied the onnector that connects SI board to main cluster board and found out a way to use Fuse21 to help me

Brightness setting procedure:

0. open the hood of your E30

1. locate the fuse box and open it

2. remove Fuse21

3. insert modified fuse with wires and button long enough to press/depress the button from your driverseat OR ask somebody, anybody or your buddy to help you

4. startup your car

5. press the button, Fuse21 "goes off" as a result tacho goes off too

6. with revving your engine you are changing LED brightness, 100% at cca 1200rpms. When you get to the brightness which suits you just depress the button

7. your favorit brightness is stored.


Next project is hazard switch digital multi gauge. It is capable to measure four different things and voltage. For instance oil temp, oil pressure, fuel pressure, cooling temp.


It fits into a hazard switch, with a LED display cover made of plexi glass that is shaped like original hazard switch dark red plastic. The whole thing will work as a switch, when youpress it it will toggle to another measurement with text displayed...let pics do the talking...


BTW, chars are evenly illuminated, pics can be misleading.












And another project...try to figure out what could it be.




Comments, ideas and critics are welcome.

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Cool stuff! Really good ideas! Back at university I had the equipment and time to do simelar stuff, but... I had no e30! ;)


The chips back in those days mostly do easy work, but figuring out how to change signals to get new behaviour is quite tough!


Great work!


I'm really interested in the shift light. Can you adjust the max torque per each gear?

I drive a modified camshaft and even with a different gearbox, so I really need some different values than a series e30 has.

Even though shifting up is mostly not the problem for me, but finding the right rounds to shift down is even more tricky.


So if could set green and red LEDs. I would make all green when it is possible to shift down and hitting within the lower gear the max tourque. And yellow would be the rpm until max torque is reached for the current gear. Than red and so on.


By the way. Do you sell it?


Best regards


Ein E30 gehört auf die Straße!!!

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Excellent ideas to work on all three E30 moduls!:meinung:


My comments on that:

SI module: I would like to pick up Codeq's idea to use upper left and right LED's to show the best timing, when to shift up/down, depending on the best economic torque usage.


Hazard switch: Is there a possibility to toggle between °F and °C or at least to show all values in °C instead of °F?


The last PCB shows a Wiper comfort module, and is also a great idea.


I'm already interested to get more information on all three projects and would like to know the prices, after finishing those projects and start of selling.

Please keep us informed.:-o

Bearbeitet: von Abbakus

Ich fahre so gerne Heckantrieb, weil ich schon immer faul bin:

Was das Auto hinten rutscht, brauche ich vorne nicht zu lenken!


Ciao, Peter

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Cool stuff! Really good ideas! Back at university I had the equipment and time to do simelar stuff, but... I had no e30! ;)


The chips back in those days mostly do easy work, but figuring out how to change signals to get new behaviour is quite tough!


Great work!


I'm really interested in the shift light. Can you adjust the max torque per each gear?

I drive a modified camshaft and even with a different gearbox, so I really need some different values than a series e30 has.

Even though shifting up is mostly not the problem for me, but finding the right rounds to shift down is even more tricky.


So if could set green and red LEDs. I would make all green when it is possible to shift down and hitting within the lower gear the max tourque. And yellow would be the rpm until max torque is reached for the current gear. Than red and so on.


By the way. Do you sell it?


Best regards



I won't say that it can't be done, but there is too much work to be done. I would have to pick up the signal for vehicle speed and then calculate from speed and revs what is current gear.


If someone is interested I could make some.

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Excellent ideas to work on all three E30 moduls!:meinung:


My comments on that:

SI module: I would like to pick up Codeq's idea to use upper left and right LED's to show the best timing, when to shift up/down, depending on the best economic torque usage.


Hazard switch: Is there a possibility to toggle between °F and °C or at least to show all values in °C instead of °F?


The last PCB shows a Wiper comfort module, and is also a great idea.


I'm already interested to get more information on all three projects and would like to know the prices, after finishing those projects and start of selling.

Please keep us informed.:-o


SI module: look above.


Hazard switch: Yes, toggle between °F and °C already works.


Wiper module: It is a programmable interval wiper module...so it is possible to change the interval delay with wiper switch from cca 1s to 30s...plug&play, no soldering, wiring etc.

Bearbeitet: von E30 Innovative Goods
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I won't say that it can't be done, but there is too much work to be done. I would have to pick up the signal for vehicle speed and then calculate from speed and revs what is current gear.


If someone is interested I could make some.


ok, maybe i can help a little bit out?

I'm a studied master of information science. What language is needed to program it? MachineCode?

Do you know something about free memory to use? Is it limited? Is allocated mem identified as unused and can be overwritten?


meanwhile I found a solution without calculating the current gear for my needs.

I would like to try this setup

3x green LEDs

3x yellow LEDs

1x red LED


green1 2000…3800
green2 2000…4200
green3 2000…4640
Yellow1 3800…7000
Yellow2 4200…7000
Yellow3 4640…7000
red1 7000…9000

to explain to the others....

all 3 green LEDs are on, means its ok to shift down from 2->1, 3->2, 4->3, 5->4

2green 1 yellow, means its ok to shift down from 3->2, 4->3, 5->4

1green 2 yellow, means its ok to shift down from 4->3, 5->4

3 yellow, means no down shifting should be done.

1 red, urgently shift up or reduce rounds.


based on this setup

E36 5-Gang 316i/318i/318is/320i/325i 1. Gang 2. Gang 3. Gang 4. Gang 5. Gang 6.Gang R-Gang
Getriebe 4,23
0 4,04
Differential 4,45
4,45 4,45
205/50R15 1,749 m
1,749 m
1,749 m
1,749 m
1,749 m
1,749 m 1,749 m
Höchstgeschw. 42 km/h
70 km/h
106 km/h
145 km/h
177 km/h
0 km/h
Begrenzer 7500 U/min

Gangwechsel 6350 U/min 2567 3783 U/min 2142 4208 U/min 1711 4639 U/min 1145 5205 U/min
0 U/min
10 km/h 1794 U/min 725 1069 U/min 360 708 U/min 191 517 U/min 93 424 U/min

1713 U/min
20 km/h 3588 U/min 1450 2137 U/min 721 1416 U/min 382 1035 U/min 187 848 U/min

3426 U/min
30 km/h 5381 U/min 2175 3206 U/min 1081 2125 U/min 572 1552 U/min 280 1272 U/min

5140 U/min
40 km/h 7175 U/min 2901 4275 U/min 1442 2833 U/min 763 2069 U/min 373 1696 U/min

6853 U/min
50 km/h

5343 U/min 1802 3541 U/min 954 2587 U/min 466 2120 U/min

60 km/h

6412 U/min 2163 4249 U/min 1145 3104 U/min 560 2544 U/min

70 km/h

7481 U/min 2523 4957 U/min 1336 3622 U/min 653 2968 U/min

80 km/h

5666 U/min 1527 4139 U/min 746 3393 U/min

90 km/h

6374 U/min 1717 4656 U/min 840 3817 U/min

100 km/h

7082 U/min 1908 5174 U/min 933 4241 U/min

110 km/h

7790 U/min 2099 5691 U/min 1026 4665 U/min

120 km/h

6208 U/min 1120 5089 U/min

130 km/h

6726 U/min 1213 5513 U/min

140 km/h

7243 U/min 1306 5937 U/min

150 km/h

7760 U/min 1399 6361 U/min

160 km/h

6785 U/min

170 km/h

7209 U/min

180 km/h

7633 U/min


is that possible? what do I have to pay for one shiftlight?

Bearbeitet: von Codeq

Ein E30 gehört auf die Straße!!!

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I like your hazard switch. If you pick some additional signals from the dash board, you can make a board computer out of it, like average fuel consumption, average speed, travel time etc.

what is the status of your project?

any sale plans? prices?

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It is possible to build the shiftlights according to your specifications.


We can mount color LEDs, but original housing on speedometer has 5 green, 1 yellow and 1 red LED...




I don't mind about the original Service stuff.

So you can do this for me?



What about programming assistance? Later on i realized that you have placed your own IC. So looks like you are free in programming? Let me know if you need some help. :klug:



best regards


Ein E30 gehört auf die Straße!!!

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  • 2 Wochen später...
It is possible to build the shiftlights according to your specifications.


We can mount color LEDs, but original housing on speedometer has 5 green, 1 yellow and 1 red LED...




I don't mind about the original Service stuff.

So you can do this for me?



What about programming assistance? Later on i realized that you have placed your own IC. So looks like you are free in programming? Let me know if you need some help. :klug:



best regards



It can be done.

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We decided to add a switch so you can use it to switch between day/night illumination.


If you want to use it as on/off switch just set day illumination to lowest setting possible.


Switch is an option, if you like it you use it, if you don't then there is no need to route wires etc...

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