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318i Brilliantrot Touring M40-->M42....


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Ich komme aus den New York, USA, so mein Deutsch ist nicht so super:watch:, ein Bisschen in Deutsch und Englisch.


Das ist eine Gekuerzte 'Kopie' von meinem Build Thread von r3vlimited.com.


Fotos von den Anzeigen und wann ich gekauft habe, Feb.2010:


















Feb. '10.- Pics after installing the Lowtec 40/35mm springs(Federn), Smiley's(Scheinwerfer), and 15" Weaves(Kreuzi's).










and my favorite...



I adjusted the toe on the LF wheel today. It was visibly out and I could hear it on the highway. While I was doing that, I temporarily removed the pre-facelift lip in favor of the "i" lip. I'll be stopping at the junkyard in the next few days to see what else I can find.



Und Anfang von M42 Umbau:


A complete, running e30 318is...Abwrackprämie Auto.



The hood was popped when I saw it so I open it up and what do I find but an M42, with a fairly new rad...




To my surprise, it has only 160k km, or 100k miles.



There appears to be Koni suspension, the Weaves are in good shape, as are the ellip's. I have to remove the seats to see what they are. The brackets may also be useful. The steering wheel is MOMO, and has the horn button/centerpiece I need for a wooden MOMO that I had found a few days before.



May 4, 2011


Well, I finally got the motor back home yesterday morning. It was a PITA. I had to lount it to the stand at the Junkyard as I have no crane at home. Got it on the trailer and home safely.


Here is where it gets good. I have a 1" thick, 2+ meter long, 75cm wide plank that I use to offload stuff from the trailer. The wheels on the stand are 73cm on the inside track and about 77cm on the outside....sooooo I had about 1-1.5 cm of wheels on the ramp as i'm in front of the motor, slowly rolling it down. Very scary.


Here it is in my small, cluttered, somewhat dirty work area.





And my work area....It will be clean and organized(this weekend I hope) prior to any disassembly.


Beer, PB Blaster, and Coffee, all necessary for me when working...at home.



I also have an E36 rack that will be going in when the motor is out.


More updates to come after I tidy up and start tearing down.


May 17, 2011


Made a little progress today with the 1.5 hrs I had before I had to get ready for work.


Pretty much everything to this point went smoothly, except the fan clutch. It was seized on the WP so I undid the WP pulley bolts, and got the long 6mm allen bolt out like so:



Found some scary stuff along the way:



Reached my goal for today anyway by quittin' time, all ancilliaries removed and onto checking the cam sprockets and general condition of the cams/under the valve cover.


They look pretty good to me.


And the cams, sorry for the shit pics, but i'm using my old 10D and there's not too much light in my work area.




And this is how it sits now. I plan to have the Pans and timing covers off tomorrow to get a look at the thrust bearing/crankshaft and timing components.


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May 18, 2011


My goal today was to get the oilpan(s), cylinder head, and timing cover off so I can get an idea of what I need to swap to the M44 timing case...but hold the phone, what is this!!??


A late, 5/93-5/95 M42 aus einem E36!!




Gasket still seated properly, happy happy joy joy.



I will have to buy the long/skinny BMW E12 torx socket as I do not wish to remove the cams. My E12 is too fat to get in there.


May 20, 2011


Pulled the timing chain guides/rails, and cylinder head this morning. I went to the dealer before hand to see if I could buy the Long E12 to remove the bolts, he said he had to go check in the back, and he comes out with this:


he says, "Bring it back when you're done".....sweet.


The rails/guides look to be in excellent condition and I will probably be offering them up for sale as i have already ordered new ones. The profile gasket looks new.......


I can barely feel the wear with my finger.


Head surface on the block and head look very nice. A little carbon on the piston will come off easily with a little oven cleaner.



BMW Head gasket



No pitting whatsoever on the profile gasket sealing area.



And here is where it goes awry. First, pull your filter BEFORE the pan, or else you get this mess:



So I decide to finish today, I will pull the oil filter housing. Right off the bat, with no warning from either bolt, the front (2) lowers break clean off, in the goddamn timing case. And I must have twisted the top front longer bolt at least 3 times before just the head broke off. I PB'd the broken sections so I can work on them next week. Need to pickup some reverse drill bits and a propane torch. I'll heat them then hit 'em with the reverse bits and removers, maybe i'll get lucky.



May 27, 2011


I stopped at the dealer a few days ago and picked some parts...




From top left, oil pump/cover/coverbolts & new bolts/o-ring/gasket for the oil filter housing, then the updated oil pressure relief valve parts, and on the bottom brand-spankin new guides and tensioner. Against the wall, the E36 metal cover gasket and the timing case gasket.


Also picked up the M50 pan-side thrust bearing half....in standard size in the corresponding color.


The old bearing shows little to no wear, and the new bearing to the right.


And in the cap.....



A little assembly lube and 43-46ft-lbs later, it's in. The assembly turns smoothly as well.



Cleaned up the block-to-timing case surface as well, and that's where I left off today.



More to come soon.....


June 27, 2011


hahaha...I got my parts from Blunttech on Saturday.


I prepped the block for the head, cleaned the crud off of the pistons with 3m green pad and Spray Nine Grease-off. Also prepped the bottom end for the upper oil pan and ordered an oil pump pickup gasket. I also had to find some Loctite for the oil pan bolts, etc.


I also took the timing case & covers, oil pans, and intake manifold(after fighting the fuel rail for 20 minutes) to the self car wash and gave them a good once over.


I will have pics tomorrow evening. I did the rear main seal and it's metal housing gasket yesterday. I plan to install the updated oil pressure relief valve, new oil pump & cover tomorrow, then the timing case. And If I have time, I will do the pans as well. Then the head later this week, and with any luck I expect to have the motor(minus the intake mani) done by this weekend.


Stay tuned.....

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June 29, 2011


I ordered the wrong oil pump....


M44 on the left, M42 on the right....had to reorder the M42 pump.



And here it is installed:



And the new cover tq'd down:



And the timing case cleaned up a bit, and tq'd to the block:



And the updated oil pressure relief valve:



This is how I compressed it to get the snap-ring:


I leaned on the towel/driver/extension to hold the spring, then jimmy'd the ring into place.


Upper Pan and pickup in place, sealed, Loctite'd, and tq'd:



Lower pan tidied up a bit:



And sealed and tq'd, along with the Oil filter housing:



That's it for today, I will try to clean the head tomorrow morning and get it bolted on this week.


Well, it's been a few weeks since the last update...


July 14, 2011


I had gone back to the dealer to borrow the E12 again, but they lost it. Soooo I had them order one for me from BMW. A week later, here it is:


And only 29euro.


I torqued the head down in accordance with the manual, threw on the lower intake manifold, changed the upper and lower injector o-rings and the rotted fuel lines on the feed/return pipe. Installed the new guide on the oil filter side, and the old upper and lower guides while they were in excellent shape.. Separated the Header & cat pipe, and temporarily hung it on the motor to get it off of the floor. The new studs and nuts will be in tomorrow afternoon:



You may have noticed that I am missing some timing components, well, the PO made some kind of Frankenstein-mutt-bastard-timing setup on this bitch. It is an M42 timing case, I know I know, 'but it has a deflection rail instead of the time-bomb-make-whole in your wallet when it explodes Idler gear, BUT if you check realoem.com, you will see that the (Europe) E36 M42's produced from 9/93-9/95 according to the pic, have the deflection rail. This is why mine did not accept the later, thicker M44 pump, b/c it is in fact an M42 case.


Here is one issue I ran into:


On the right is the M42 guide. I ordered the M44 guide by accident. At the time I hadn't even removed the oil pump yet so I was unaware of the 'late' M42 timing case. Soooo, I ordered the Bushing/bolt/washer from the dealer, they should be in by Tuesday. Oh yeah, the bolts only come in qty's of 10!!


And I ordered a COP kit, so these go bye-bye:


Can anyone tell me, startiung from the top left and going clockwise, which cyl each lead goes to?? Thanks.




So, being fed-up with staring at that goddam motor, I turned my frustration on the Transmission.



First, I had to drain the fluid, but I have no 17mm wrench, but I have a Pipe wrench, leverage and a wheel-bolt:


A word to the wise, always undo the filler FIRST^, then thre drain:



And some new parts(among many others) I picked up from Mr. Blunt:


Except for the slave and line, I bought that from another member along with a Never installed Massive Hartge/Mtech/whatever-style dead pedal, a Whore-and-a-half to install over carpet but I'm happy with it.


The old pivot worn to a nub:




And lastly, can someone give me a part no on this pc:


I have no VIN for the car I grabbbed the motor out of and realoem has 2 different numbers and the pic doesn't coincide, thanks.


Stay tuned for more pics in the next week, My wife is taking the kids to the North Sea for about a week, so I will have some time to get some shit done. In the background above, the yellow springs are the KW 40/40's I just picked up. (they will later be Installed with some Bilstein sports I bought from a fellow member on r3vlimited.)


June 20, 2011



So anyway, made a little progress after having to wait over the weekend for parts:


New studs, the come in packs of 20, f***ers.



I love the look of the new bolts, but these don;t come in packs of 20. They come in packs of 30.:finger: you BMW.



Lower intake was done last time, but I picked up a bunch of fresh clamps and secured the fuel lines, popped on the upper intake and TB.



Where I left off.


I also got the bushing for the later style tensioner guide, BUT i'm still waiting on the washer, it never got ordered.



I also ordered all new hoses for the 'mess under the intake manifold', why you ask?? Because 1) I don't have the patience to futz around making the hoses fit/not rub on anything/find vacuum issues later, and 2) I am keeping my TB heater element. We get some crazy weather here in Germany. That plus sustained Autobahn speeds in cold weather are mroe likely to cause issues.


And I forgot to mention, one of my front KONI's are shot. So I picked up a set of New-in-the-box Bilstein sports.


(Mehr kommt spaeter, ich muss Abendessen kochen:roll:)

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July 31, 2011


Well, it's been a while since the last update. I've been working like a dog and no time to take pics.


Here is my work area, it's the in-laws(Schwiegereltern) driveway:



I pulled the M40 this morning:



The M40 is sitting on the legs of the crane, and the m42 is in the foreground:



The new crane I bought was to shallow to get all the way on, so my valence incurred some damage:




Tomorrow, I plan on pulling the E30 rack and installing the E36 rack I have sitting around. I picked up a Zionsville autosport lnkage shortening kit, and will be ordering new tie rods Monday.


The M40 exhaust doesn't fit on the M42 cat-section, so I will be ordering a new exhaust as well.


Till then....


August 01, 2011


So I started here this morning AFTER going to the parts store to order new complete tie rods and an original catback. There is no chance in hell that the M40 catback fits the M42 cat.

Fresh FW bolts & pilot bearing:




Unfortunately, I have an unhealthy hole, in my crankshaft. It's fairly tight but not as tight as I would like. The other 7 were perfect though.


Clutch disc and PP clean and ready for reinstall. I cut the glaze from the FW & PP with a die grinder and brown disc.



My Ghetto-Motorsports Kupplung einstellung Werkzeug. It got me part of the way there. But I ended up eyeballing it, then tightening the PP just enough so the disc could still move a bit. I jimmy'd the tranny on, then gently pulled it off. I torqued the PP bolts with fresh hardware, and the trans slid in nicely.








Wiring harness and exhaust manifold on. I had to remove it for transport...on a dolly, about 7/10's of a KM from my in-laws, on a Sunday Morning. Working in Germany on Sunday gets you more dirty looks than you can imagine.



Old leaky rack out, and subframe cleaned up a bit:



Old dirty E30 rack on the rt, new old dirty E36 rack on the left:


And don't start that 'why didn't you do a Z3 rack?!' shit...3.2 is better than 4.0 on the E30 rack, a 20% difference. Plus, I have had this rack lying around for over a year and now I have a chance to put it in.


I cleaned it up a bit after I have it in the car(no pics)


Picked up a Zionsville E36 rack spacer kit from another member here in Germany. And a new giubo from Sir Blunt.

Removing the old rivets first:



Tah-dah, I didn't break anything:



All back together. It's not tightened, most of my tools are at the worksite.




To the shifter rod, old bushing was all nasty and soft, and oozing fluid:


Knocked that bitch out with a screwdriver, lubed the new one with some all-natural Bio homemade lube I whipped up then pressed it in with my good old bushing-persuader:




As I was looking at the rear shiftrail bushing, I realized that there was too much free space in there, which equals unwanted shifter slop.



SOOO, I so happened to have an old pkg of 5 min Epoxy, so I mixed that nasty stuff up:



And filled the offensively large void, rear first of course:




Then I spent the rest in the front, but there wasn't much left given that the rear was so cavernous:



AND that all for today, dealer trip tomorrow as the numbnut gave me the wrong crush rings for the PS lines.


I ordered Billy Sports to go with the KW springs. I will be dropping the subframe to fix my Shifted 1yr old bushings.


August 02, 2011


Today was my B-day so I didn;t get much done. I was up early, had breakfast with the Wife and Kids, then ran around picking up my last few parts I need for the swap. picked up the m42 catback and complete tie rods, and new crush washers from the dealer. He very kindly swapped the (2) wrong sized washers for the correct ones.


One hurdle I was worried about the last week was the Center support sleeve on the front of the driveshaft. For those of you unfamiliar with this little whore, it sits in the very front of the driveshaft and centers the trans output shaft so the giubo must only deal with rotational forces rather than also having to hold the DS straight, or so I think anyway, don't quote me. On anf off for the past week I tried beating it with a slide hammer, them this morning I took it to a local shop. He tried heating the bitch, then with the slide hammer, but only succeeded in burning the rubber out and stinking up his shop. So I took it back home.....Just a few minutes ago after the kids went to bed, I wanted to see how 'hard' the sleeve was. To my surprise, it was fairly brittle and easy to cut through. With little stroke available, I locked a Metal-cutting keyhole saw blade in a pair of vice-grips and started cutting, 10 minutes later I had this:



Then instead of taking my BFH and driving the new sleeve home, i opted for a more civilized approach:



All good in da 'hood:




Tomorrow I plan to have the motor in and running.......


August 03, 2011



Here is today's progress:


Cleaned the rack up a bit, got the knuckle in, and aligned. The wheel sits straight and the rack is centered. New complete tie rods installed. FYI i'm using an E36 325i rack, E30 tie rods, E30 lock plates(not the best with this but they work) and Loctite Blue. For the knuckle, us-spec non-airbag w/ Zionsville E36 rack kit. A small amount of clearancing was required in the upper knuckle to stop the binding. Oh yeah, new steering giubo also. I'm gonna eyeball them when I get them wheels back on, then after a test drive i'll make adjustments.



Got some E21 mounts. I had to enlarge the holes in both the trans brace and trans to accept the M10 studs on the mounts.



No time to take pics while the motor was on the crane, but it's in...with a little help from my Father-n-law. I had to remove the pass side mount to drop it far enough to get onto the drivers side mount. I was then able to lift the motor enough by hand(still hanging from the crane of course) to slide the other mount underneath.




Checking continuity to determine which lead goes to which coil for the COP conversion:



I got a bit further and plan to fire the bitch up tomorrow....still have to bend the steering HP hose, mount the ECU, fluids, bleed the slave cyl, yada yada.


August 04, 2011


Well, at 4:58pm local time, she started up after 3 cranks and settled to a steady idle. I had to shut it down after 5-6 seconds b/c I only had the exhaust manifold installed. I have to make a new bracket for the cat pipe, then I will be moving to the rear. The Subframe bushings I installed less than a yr ago have shifted.


Here are some pics from today:


Coil wiring and jamming the harness back in the cover:






New accel cable:



Just before ignition:



August 05-08, 2011


Sorry for the lack of updates and the lack of pics, I will explain...


I wanted to wait till the motor was running to tackle any other issues, like the rear subframe bushings. I put the rear upo in the air and grabbed my special bushing installer consisting of from top to bottom, an old serp belt pulley, (2) huge alum washers, M12 threaded rod, an old huge Snap-on socket.

I reset the bushings, they were out about a cm or so:



And to make sure I don't have to do this again:


Drilled a hole thru the carrier and the sleeve in the bushing, drove in what I had handy. When the time comes, it is easy enough to knock the head off and drive the thread through to remove the bushing.


Making sure the lines sat well I moved to the driveshaft and exhaust. Didn't stop to take any pics really, except these (2). I just kinda aimed the camera underneath:


I Bought new springs/bolts/nuts, and a fresh exhaust bracket(below) for the cat pipe. Don't wanna put any extra stress on the manifold.


Here is a bad shot of the new giubo, E21 mounts, exhaust bracket...



There is a pinhole in the pipe, don't ask how that happened:rolleyes: just under the band. I have to head to my buddy's shop this Thursday to use the welder.


So after that, I hung my overpriced catback with all new rubber rings. The bands for the iS exhaust are larger than those for the m40 exhaust so I ran home to grab one that I had lying around. I ordered another from the dealer today.


Skip to Saturday at about 5pm. Got the Wife, see avatar, to act as my pedal-pumper for the clutch and brake bleeding. Then started her up. Ran her for about 20-30minutes, bled the cooling system and gave it a once over for leaks. Took it out for about 15 minutes, beating it up a bit. Brought it back to make a toe adjustment and noticed an oil leak where the upper and lower timing cover meet, just below the tensioner plug. Sooo, I said f' it, set the coolant to drain so I could mess with it in the morning.


Sunday Morning, I got up at 730am and started working. It had occured to me that I had forgotten to 'preload' the profile gasket between the timing covers when installing it. So, I pulled the COP and VC, and proceeded to loosen all the bolts in the upper cover about 1/2 turn. Using a long screwdriver, I pushed the cover down so it was flush with the VC gasket surface and tightened down the upper corner, then the same to the rt side. After it was tq'd I put some RTV Black over the area for extra insurance. That was about 830-900am. I left it alone till about 230-300pm. In the meantime, I buttoned up the rear end and made some adjustments to the front toe(still not right, i'll be getting an 'alignment', otherwise known as a toe adjustment after I do my springs/billy's/LCA's).


So I take it for another test drive, and now I see a light leak from the tensioner plug!!!! So I brought home what tools I had in my car and waited for the kids to go to bed before I looked at it.


I decided after adjusting the toe again, that I had maybe enough time to give it a shot before ending this roller-coaster of a week. I pulled the plug, cleaned the threads and sealing area on the head and applied some RTV black. Let it sit till I went to work at 5am(7+ hrs).


Got to work this morning(25km/15mi) and damn, still seeping, Muthafugginm42bullshit. BUT I can't be sure it's only the plug. I can't get it to stop seeping long enough to see if my upper/lower profile gasket squishing/rtv'ing workied oir not. Regardless, I stopped at the dealer on the way home and ordered M42 timing cover gaskets, which I believe are paper. I am currently running the 1pc M44 metal-gaskets which IIRC, some people have found leak-prone. I also ordered a new t-stat housing & gasket, O-ring, some adjuster cups for my projectors(non-smiley) I have had sitting around for a few months, and the band/hanger for the muffler.


This weekend I will be pulling the covers, thoroughly cleaning them, and using the paper gaskets with RTV Black all-around. As for the tensioner plug, I will be pulling that AND the tensioner. Cleaning the threads on the head and plug, RTV again and I will be trying a rubber O-ring(with RTV of course) instead of the metal crush washer. I will also be inspecting/resurfacing the sealing surfaces on the head and plug/bolt.


I will let you all know what happens.


August 13, 2011


Picking up where I left off Friday, I ran all over the place Saturday morning to find an M8 helicoil. I stopped by (3) shops but they either had none or they were too big, the other larger 'Home Depot'-like stores looked at me like I had nine heads when I asked them if they had Helicoils. Well actually I had to explain what they were first. Anywhere that woukld actually have them are specialty places here in Germany, so they were all closed on Saturday.


So when I finally got into it after lunch, I chased the threads with an M8 tap. I managed to clean out some of the junk in the hole. I tried an M8 from what I think was from a rear swaybar link. A little longer to hit the threads deeper in the hole. I dunno whether it was the different bolt or what, but I got it to hold the torque of 120in/lbs or whatever the Bentley said.


Here is everything torn down and cleaned up:



Getting ready to start RTV'ing and reassembling:



Cases torqued down and sealed(I hope):



New t-stat housing sealed up:



And everything back together:



I just have to fill it with Coolant and bleed it tomorrow, then we'll see if it's sealed up this time.


August 19, 2011


The timing case cover gasket is still lookin good, I hope to have no more problems with it.


Now that the engine is taken care of, I have turned my attention to a few others things that i've had lying around for a while. I bought a set of Euro non-smiley projectors from Learningcurve86 found in a yard out here. They looked very clean in the photos and I wasn't disappointed when I got them. I had a set of these on the car when I bought it but swapped them for the Smileys that were on my Seta. I decided that I wanted the projectors back, so here they are:


I painted the trim rings black and polished the high's a bit just to remove the film on them. And yes, my hood is still misaligned.


I also wanted to throw in a set of black brake ducts just to see how it looks:




Sept. 17, 2011

Last weekend I did some long overdue suspension & brake work. I installed the following:


Lemforder LCA's(Querlenker)

E30 M3 LCAB's(Querlenkerlager)

Front and rear swaybar bushings(PITA)(stabi-lager)

Rear swaybar endlinks (stani Koppelstangen)


Bilstein Sports

KW 40/40 springs


And for the brakes:


Massive street kit w/ Meyle blanks(from 2002maniac)

Goodridge SS lines

(Die beide waren später ausgebaut wegen $$ und TÜV)




I didn't stop to take any pics because time was short and it kills my momentum when I stop to do so.


Here it is all finished up:



And behind the Euroweaves:



These pics were actually taken a few days afterwards. I test drove it Saturday evening after I bled the brakes and tweaked the front toe.

All was well with no odd noises....fast forward to Thursday AM. I rolled out of my parking spot to hear a noise that coincided with road-speed only. i stopped at the gas station and took a quick look underrneath to make sure it was nothing obvious and proceeded cautiously to and from work that day.


I took the wheels off after work and found this:



AND the other side:



The edge of the caliper, why only after 4 days I have no idea, was just knicking the weights:





It's barely visible in the pics(I think my 10D is beginning to shit the bed, either that or the lens if hammered) but you may be able to see the marks on the outer edge of the caliper next to the bolt.


I ground the weights down a bit and it seems to be ok. When I mount my fresh summers next spring, I will put the weights a bit further in on the wheel.


Here is a quick pic of the 'stance' after the Billy/KW's:



And I found a nice MT2 in the Junkyard a few days before:


The leather feels brand new and gives the old ho' a whole new feeling.


And a few pics of the engine bay after some cleaning:






On the way from Bimmerworld are my Spal 16" puller and E30 radio delete panel. I will be relocating my radio, and using a 316i HVAC/radio delete panel to mount an oil pressure & temp guages, and possibly water temp.


I plan to use an 80/88c switch but not the low/hi speed configuration. Rather I will be running the 80c trigger in the summertime and the 88c trigger in the wintertime, both on HI speed.


Till next time......

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Just picked this up from one of the German e30 forums over here. Just have to get the E30 M3 temp sender and hope the threads in the front of the m42 filter housing are the same size as the sender.


I also had to pull my entire exhaust, headers included to weld the (2) sections together to fix the exhaust leak. The headers were leaking as well. I threw a weld on them but I think it's terminal. I have an extra set on the way from rob_e30(thanks) and I'll take my time cleaning and rewelding every seam on this set.

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  • 9 Monate später...
  • 2 Monate später...

Hey Mike! Nice Story! Can you give me a short explaination which parts i need for the "Coil over Plug" Build up?


I changed my E36 M40 to an M42 and want to power it up with some Schricks, an more agressive map and the on plug coils.

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