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Does anyone know this 318is??


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I have the motor, m42, out of this car sitting on a stand in my cellar. I pulled off the timing chain cover and found something VERY interesting:


An M44 timing chain case, notice the deflection rail instead of the idler gear.

If anyone knows the previous owner of this car, I would like to speak to them to find out when this was done/KM, what was replaced(oil pump rotors/cover, timing chain guides/rails, etc.)

These stickers were on the windows:




^For ADAC rallye's.......

Bearbeitet: von mikeDE
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Try giving us some more facts about the car:


-Where do you live?

- Where / whom did you buy the car from?

- Do you know the previous license plate(s) ?

- Do you have any paperwork on the car? Maybe a vehicle ident. number for us?



It was an Abwrackpraemie(sp?) auto, found it at a Junkyard in Ludwigshafen. It may have been there for about 9mos-1year before I found it in late 2010/early 2011.


No idea on the previous liscence plate #'s.....I have a VIN but I have to find it, check back tomorrow.

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