drencrom Geschrieben: 20. Mai 2006 #26 Meldung Teilen Geschrieben: 20. Mai 2006 ich fahre ebenfalls nicht das allerbilligste, was zu bekommen ist. prinzipiell ist an den aussagen jedoch nichts auszusetzen. Zitieren "as your attorney I advise you to drive at top speed otherwise it will be a goddamned miracle if we can get there before you turn into a wild animal" "30 minutes - it was going to be very close." "He looked serene. I raised his eyelids and it was clear from his pupils that he had a massive brain injury. We lifted him from the cockpit and laid him on the ground. As we did, he sighed and, although I am totally agnostic, I felt his soul depart at that moment." Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Weitere Optionen zum teilen...
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