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OBC Anschluß (englisches trauriges!!!)


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OBC connection (english. Sorry.)

Excuse my intrusion: I can not speak german, but need a special help in mounting the OBC. If you can communicate in english please visit this page where is shown the question:



Vielen dank



Raffaello (from Italy)



======= Automatic translation ========


Entschuldigen Sie mein Eindringen: Ich kann nicht Deutsches sprechen, aber benötige eine spezielle Hilfe, wenn ich das OBC anbringe. Wenn Sie auf englisch bitte in Verbindung stehen können, besuchen Sie diese Seite, in der die Frage gezeigt wird:




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have you always plugged in the connector of the combination switch and checked the funktion of turn lt. and beam? the only plug are used by the obc is the single blue (brown wire) ...


turn signal (from hazard sw) ist the grn/yel and goes to flasher rly and sw. -> this will connect the blu/red or blu/blk for turn lt. it seems the same as both ..


wht comes from high beam rly and get switched to brn (gnd) or yel (low beam rly) .. all the same pins on both connectors ..


so on ..


the brn/yel (pin 12 on connector) and brn (pin 8) is the horn -> goes to horn sw (brn/yel)


the other contacts on the comb. sw are for park light. (pin1 and 6, gry/yel gry/wht) no need for this? don´t use it :-)


it´s the only way to connect that sw to your car .. or, buy the "european model" of that switch ... (my opinion: the push button for the obc is still unnecessary)


i hope thats all correct .. connect that switch and try it :D

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Vielen Dank!

Your precious info are much appreciated and have been "recorded". I am waiting to get another european with or without OBC function: now I can't risk to waste the one wich let me drive.

At the moment I'll re-fit the previous original european, even because as you say it is not necessary, and beyond, somebody else say it is the first cause of OBC bad functions. Today I will check the OBC for the first time...


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