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Key Fob!


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ok, so i have searched for ages for a L&C keyfob as a finishing touch to my recent project (L&C were a BMW dealer in the UK) like this one below....looking good with the alpina and BMW logos...




...but there are none around, or the condition is terrible after 20 years of being knocked about on a set of keys. so in true pukar designs style, i got thinking and came up with an idea....


first i designed the decal and ordered it up from the printers,




then found a suitable "housing" (thanks ebay!)





et voila!




the finished article!!


ok, so it's not enamel ( i looked into this and the cost of doing one is about £200 and if you try and get them from china, minimum order is 1000 units!), but i think it's pretty good and close enough for everyday use. the picture doesn't really do it justice. also, it's not too precious to actually use, if i had a brand new L&C one, i guess it would end up in a box in the garage......(along with the other 999 ;) ). i know this is not the most exciting news on the planet, but i am pretty chuffed with it8-)

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