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passt die kupplung von einem 323i an jeden m20???


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frage steht schon im titel :devil:

"as your attorney I advise you to drive at top speed otherwise it will be a goddamned miracle if we can get there before you turn into a wild animal" "30 minutes - it was going to be very close."


"He looked serene. I raised his eyelids and it was clear from his pupils that he had a massive brain injury. We lifted him from the cockpit and laid him on the ground. As we did, he sighed and, although I am totally agnostic, I felt his soul depart at that moment."

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ich beantworte meine frage jetzt mal selbst: ich habe mir einen kupplungssatz von LuK zugelegt, der laut spezifikation auf folgende modelle passt:



- B6 E21 Hubraum 2,8 KW 160 Baujahr 09.81-03.83

- C1 E21 Hubraum 2,3 KW 125 Baujahr 03.80-07.83

- C1 E30 Hubraum 2,3 KW 125 Baujahr 08.83-11.85



- 323i E21 KW 105 Baujahr 01.78-08.82

- 323i E30 KW 102 - 110 Baujahr 09.82-08.86

- 520i E28 KW 92 Baujahr 06.81-12.87


ich werde ihn in meinen m20b20 bj. 1989 einbauen. die kupplungsscheibe ist exakt die selbe, wie bei dem satz, der eigentlich für den 320i passend ist. das ausrücklager und die druckplatte der oben angegebenen modelle sollten laut etk ebenfalls passen, denn es sind in allen diesen modellen und dem 320i teilweise gleiche teile verbaut gewesen.

"as your attorney I advise you to drive at top speed otherwise it will be a goddamned miracle if we can get there before you turn into a wild animal" "30 minutes - it was going to be very close."


"He looked serene. I raised his eyelids and it was clear from his pupils that he had a massive brain injury. We lifted him from the cockpit and laid him on the ground. As we did, he sighed and, although I am totally agnostic, I felt his soul depart at that moment."

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